PBNU to investigate party sponsored by 5 young NU personalities in Israel

Jakarta – The Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) invites the leaders of Banam and the institutions that sent 5 young personalities from NU or Nahdliyun to meet with the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog.

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This statement was made by the Secretary-General of PBNU, Gus Saifullo Yusuf, also known as Gus Ipul, in his official statement on Monday, July 15, 2024.

In his official statement, Gus Ipul said on Monday, July 15, 2024: “The President General will also invite the management of Banom and the institutions involved in the relevant service.”

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PBNU invites 5 young UN figures to meet with the President of Israel

Gus Ipul also regretted the visit of five UN officials to Israel and the meeting with Israeli President Ishak Herzog.

NU Young Number 5 with Israeli President Isaac Herzog (doc:


  • VIVA.co.id/Natania Longdong

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The PBNU also stressed that the five did not have a mandate from the PBNU and never sought permission from the PBNU.

Gus Ipul therefore also considers the actions of five UN members to be very reckless in the tense situation between Israel and Palestine.

Furthermore, NU as an organisation is at the forefront of condemning Israel’s continued attacks. “Deporting them to Israel was a very foolish and confused move and received a lot of real condemnation. “This visit also hurt all our feelings,” said Gus Ipul.

PBNU investigated the matter and immediately called five people to appear before Tabayun.

“Interested parties are invited to seek additional information and clarification on the objectives, background and who sent them, as well as other key issues,” Gus Ipul said.

If elements of organizational violations are revealed, it is impossible for these five people to be relieved of their position as directors of the institution.

Earlier, it was reported that the young faces of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) or Nahdliyyin, who visited and took photos with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, went viral on social media.

Nahdliyyin’s fifth meeting, during which she took a photo with the Israeli president, later became a trending topic on social media X and received much criticism from netizens.

The five Nahdlis who went to Israel were: Gus Sukron Makmun, Zainul Maarif, Munawar Aziz, Nurul Bahrul Ulum and Izza Annafisa Daniya.

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Furthermore, NU as an organisation is at the forefront of condemning Israel’s continued attacks. “Deporting them to Israel was a very foolish and confused move and received a lot of real condemnation. This visit hurt all our feelings,” Gus Ipul said.

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