Student Capital: North Maluku cadet candidates participate in Police Academy selection: 11 National Paskibraka 2022

Semarang – Aiswa Djien Pandey alias Aiswa is the only Police Academy (Akpol) candidate representing North Maluku (Malut) who has passed the regional level and is now contesting the central level selection.

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“Thank God I got first place. Because my opponent also failed the physical test. There are only five (cadet candidates) from North Maluku, four boys and one girl. “I am originally from North Maluku,” said Aiswa after completing the PSI and PMK inventory at the Police Academy Complex in Semarang City, Monday, July 15, 2024.

Police Academy space. (Illustrative photo).

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Aiswa, who comes from a poor family, has a bright capital. She is part of the 2022 National Heritage Flag Raising Troops (Paskibraka) and joins the Pancasila Sakthi 17th Left Troop. It was approved at the time by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

“This (national paskibraka) became my spiritual capital, because in Paskibraka we studied and prepared for education for more than a month on July 15, until August 29 (2022) when we returned to the National Paskibraka. I was responsible for lowering the flag,” he continued.

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The eldest of three siblings, he said that in the village where he lives, Wari Village, Tobelo District, Halmahera North Regency, North Maluku Province, he often helps his father grow groundnuts. The mountainous region’s surroundings automatically educate Aisva physically.

“It’s in the mountains, the beaches are also beautiful, so I swim often,” continued Aiswa, who is a volleyball player.

Aiswa said that before becoming a farmer, her father worked as a security guard. While her mother is a housewife. Aiswa is accustomed to a life of struggle since she was a child. From there, her father used to do physical exercise by jogging for a certain period of time. Trained physically by her father, Aiswa regularly trains at Mako Brimob in Kupa Kupa Village, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province.

While she was physically fit, Aiswa also developed her academic prowess on her own. Aware that she comes from a poor family, Aiswa maximizes what she has to learn.

“I am from a poor background, so I only study online and through books. Aiswa said that “I have never participated in any training (tutoring),” adding that this was the first time she participated in the Police Academy selection.

When he was trying to get into the Central Police Academy, his parents did not accompany him. Because they have to stay in their hometown to farm and take care of their families.

In this election, Aiswa always followed her father’s message. That age of youth is only once, it cannot be repeated, so you have to fight against the best.

“My father always told me that if I wanted to become a successful person, I should not be arrogant. “I have to be like rice: the fuller it is, the more it bends,” said the girl, who was born on February 13, 2006 in the northern Maluku Islands.

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Aiswa said that before becoming a farmer, her father worked as a security guard. While her mother is a housewife. Aiswa is accustomed to a life of struggle since she was a child. From there, her father used to do physical exercise by jogging for a certain period of time. Trained physically by her father, Aiswa regularly trains at Mako Brimob in Kupa Kupa Village, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province.

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