Deolipa ‘Sentil’ Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on the growth of illegal mining mushrooms in Kukar

Jakarta – Legal expert Deolipa Jumara has criticised the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). According to him, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has allowed the expansion of illegal mining in East Kalimantan (Kaltim), especially in Kuta Kartanegara (Kukar).

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Deolipa said hundreds of illegal mines operate outside the concession. There are even illegal mines operating between the company’s two licenses.

“Therefore, there are many legal coal mining companies in East Kalimantan, but there are also illegal companies that are still licensed by the government – ​​of course, the joint responsibility here is the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,” Deolipa said in Jakarta on Monday, July 15, 2024.

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Legal expert, Deolipa Jumara


  • Purnama (Depok)

Deolipa explained that hundreds of illegal landmines are scattered across various districts in Kukar. Some of them are located in Tenggarong Seberang, Cebulu, Loa Kulu and Kota Bangun. In fact, there is a port for the shipment of illegal mining products.

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Deolipa further stressed that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has the means to monitor and enforce laws to publicise these illegal mines. However, this was not done. In fact, it gives the impression that illegal mines are allowed.

“It’s as if no one is controlling it, or no one is monitoring it, or even if it is deliberately protected to remain in production,” he stressed.

Deolipa revealed that local people are working in hundreds of illegal mines. However, they are working for foreign companies.

“Do they have enough capital to produce in abundance? No. Then, of course, behind them are foreign companies, foreign businessmen who invest illegally, and only these local businessmen work in illegal mining,” he said.

For this reason, Deolipa has also requested the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the police to take strict measures by closing these illegal mines. It stressed that the use of illegal mines does not bring any benefit to the state. On the other hand, illegal mining destroys the nature and environment of East Kalimantan. In addition, Kukar is one of the areas close to the capital of Indonesia (IKN).

“Just shut it down. It is destroying the country. The land is damaged, the forests are damaged. The land will not be reclaimed. It will not be sold because it is all illegal. So it is not. If they continue like this, the forests of East Kalimantan may be destroyed,” said IKN close. “This is a risk,” he said.

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Deolipa revealed that local people are working in hundreds of illegal mines. However, they are working for foreign companies.

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