Controversial comment by Viviana Canosa to clarify her relationship with Alberto Fernández – GENTE Online

After some time away from the media, Viviana Canosa came back with a program on Radio Rivadavia. After her return, the journalist spoke on different channels about the scandals that have emerged recently, such as the one of Alberto FernandezAnd he surprised everyone by giving his opinion on a big scoop that had been awarded to him.

This Monday in Partners of the Show (El Trece) shared a note they made with Viviana, after her return to the radio where she talked about everything. As expected, the television and radio host was asked about everything: from the scandal that was generated around the former president Fabiola Yanez’s complaint until Tamara Pettinato’s videos that went viral.

“Argentina is a fiction that never ends, but The truth is that it all seems crazy to me. When I reported it to Alberto Fernandez, I had a 90% positive image, I was the first. When I went to A24 I said that (Sergio) Massa had censored me. And 5 months before (Javier) Milei became president I said what I said with the lists. So They can’t tell me anything, because I said everything I knew.“, Canosa began by sentencing.

Viviana Canosa spoke about her future career and surprised
Viviana Canosa in a postcard from years ago when she worked in television.

The journalist quickly stated: “And it cost me my jobI support my house, my daughter, my family… it’s not a joke to lose your job, but I I prefer to remain unemployed and not have to compromise with the power of the day“.

When asked about the statements of Mirtha Legrandwho claimed that the journalist had been with the former president, Viviana was blunt.I spoke to Mirtha, she apologized to me“I told him that there was no need to make them public, because the truth is that I don’t need to, I know who I am, what I do, what I say,” he said.

I slept with a lot of unsavory people, but not with those who are attributed to me“, Canosa surprised by saying, and added: “You say, yes, I made a lot of mistakes, a bunch of idiots, but not with these“.

At that time, the communicator also recalled that She was linked to the president of UruguayLuis Lacalle Pou, and clarified: “I end up laughing because it is not important. I have a very clear conscience, I have nothing to hide.“.

Viviana Canosa’s blunt statement after rumors that she was with Alberto Fernández.

Finally, she was asked about the videos of Tamara Pettinato with Alberto Fernández that went viral, and the host was direct: “It’s the same… All serious journalists threatening who have Victoria Onetto’s tits to show off, stop fucking around. I know a lot of guys who send private messages to my friends, and they are married and have kids, Don’t be moralistic“.

“At the same time, Pettinato or the girl who was with this guy, the truth is that it is not the news. The news is that we had an unpresentable presidentwho used Rivadavia’s chair for other things. The truth is that it seems very sexist to me to put women in such a shitty place. I don’t care if he slept with Tamara or not, What I want to know is if the guy stole“, the journalist concluded.

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