Fox News fires ‘Hannity’ executive producer after sexual harassment investigation

Fox News fires 'Hannity' executive producer after sexual harassment investigation

Fox News has fired “Hannity” executive producer Robert Samuel following an internal investigation into sexual harassment allegations, Brian Stelter reported Thursday in a Reliable Sources letter.

Samuel, who had been with the network for nearly 20 years, was fired last week, according to two sources familiar with the matter who spoke to CNN. Fox provided a statement to Reliable Sources, which it also shared with TheWrap.

“Employees who violate FOX News Media’s anti-harassment, anti-discrimination and anti-retaliation policies are subject to appropriate corrective action, including immediate termination,” the network said.

No details of the charges were released. Samuel was an executive producer on Sean Hannity’s original show and was No. 2 to Tiffany Fazio.

Samuel was previously an executive producer for Bill O’Reilly, who was fired from the network in 2017 after it was revealed the host had paid at least five women to settle sexual harassment claims.


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