Why won’t JD Vance stop his racist lies about Haitians in Springfield?

Hello, happy Thursday. There are 46 days left until the elections and today we are traveling to Haiti. JD Vance apparently believes Haitians are from there. I heard this mermaid is a mile away from Atlantis and is beautiful in spring.

While it would be easy to deny “Haitian” as a slip (after all, Donald Trump wanted Deport Haiti to Venezuelawhich makes even less sense), comment during Michigan’s appearance on Tuesday It comes as part of a week-long assault on the filth of lies and racism by Vance. That’s why I never stop him.

Unless you’re in Haiti all week, you don’t need me to tell you about the whole Springfield, Ohio mess. But on Wednesday The Wall Street Journal published an excellent report. After the Vance campaign provided reporters with a police report about a missing cat named Miss Sassy, ​​whose owner thought she had been kidnapped by Haitian neighbors, the intrepid journalists did what journalists do. They knocked on Miss Sassy’s door, and the owner said the kitten wasn’t real. Shoutbut instead he was hiding in the basement. Oh

Miss Sassy’s owner had already apologized to nearby Haitians with the help of her daughter and a translation program.

This after a tearful apology, New York Times newspaper summary.from a woman who posted on Facebook a few months ago about eating Haitian cats, based on another neighbor’s rumor, which also turned out to be unfounded.

This revelation came at about the same time as the confirmation of his image. a black man holding two dead sheep In fact, it was not a Haitian man who killed them in the park, but a man in Columbus, Ohio, who was clearing birds from the road after being hit by a car.

And of course there was such an explanation that A’s report The woman kills the cat and eats it In yet another Ohio town, he had nothing to do with Haitian immigrants, but was simply a good, old-fashioned American who has since been declared innocent by reason of insanity.

So the whole ugly animal thing was a trail of false claims spreading across the far-right internet. But that doesn’t matter to Vance. He won’t stop sending legal immigrants from Springfield to Haiti, even if he deliberately spreads propaganda and lies to do so.

Which brings us to today’s topic: JD Vance’s SAD Politics.

Former President Trump (left) and Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) attend the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

(Evan Vucci/Associated Press)

Sour, angry, demanding

For those of you who don’t live in my head, SAD stands for Bitter, Angry, and Demanding. The SAD playbook was, of course, created by Trump and turned into a blind insult by that recalcitrant man.

We have seen many others apply his lessons, but none as diligently and ruthlessly as Vance. Much has been made of how unpopular Vance is (it is surprising that he managed to get his unfavorable rating from 16 pounds in three months), and what a poor choice he was for vice president. But Trump likes to tell us he’s a genius, and in choosing Vance he’s right.

Vance proves to be the kind of loyalist who has nothing but loyalty to him. There seems to be something missing inside Vance, something that fills that part of the ticket.

This can be seen in his response to the crowd.when they applaud his vindictive pettiness: He beats his chest, tries to look stern for a minute, but breaks out into a genuine, satisfied smile. Pay attention and you’ll see this reaction over and over again in his moneylines. The momentary fame fueled by such powerful endorsements for being Trump’s attack dog seems to be its own reward.

It reminds me of a man named Mr. C in a 1941 essay published in Harper’s Magazine by Dorothy Thompson. It’s about what binds a person to an authoritarian regime. She’s talking about the Nazis, but her description resonates very much in today’s political turmoil. (If you’ve never heard of him before, read the passageIt is worth your time.)

About Mr. C, a poor man who did good but was never accepted by his elite society, Thompson writes: He has a bitter and burning ambition. That is to reach such a level that no one can humiliate him any more.


Vance’s strong will, wherever it comes from, should never please Trump, especially after escaping the death of Mike Pence.

But it also has a larger purpose. Propaganda works best when it comes at us from different directions. For some time now, Trump has been forced to buy the plane himself. Yes, he has Marjorie Taylor Greens, Lauren Boberts, even the Tucker Carlsons with their podcasts or their basement broadcasts or whatever they have. But those people have their own agendas and can’t be trusted to stick to the message and always use the spotlight in Trump’s service.

Vance is so singular in his devotion to his boss that even his wife can’t compete.

Recently, Trump confidant Laura Loomer, whose racism is off the charts enough to make David Duke blush, wrote on X that if Kamala Harris wins, the White House “will smell like curry, and the call center will facilitate White House speeches… done, and the American people can only give their opinion via a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that no one understands.”

I’m South Asian, so for some context, I’ll tell you that the stinking Hindu-Muslim trope is real and omnipresent. It’s not a one-off joke he thought up for himself – a nod to a deep and damaging prejudice, another to shame those for whom cumin and mustard seeds are the aroma of comfort and home.

Vance, as you probably know, is married to a South Asian woman whose parents are immigrants. So you might think Vance would be upset about his family.

But taking offense at the racism Trump built his campaign on doesn’t work, especially the racism of a woman close to the man.

So when NBC’s Kristen Welker asked him about it, This is what he said:

Kristen, I’m making chicken curry. I don’t think it’s offensive for someone to talk about their dietary preferences and what they want to do in the White House…

I think what Laura Loomer said is not what we should be focusing on and we should be focusing on policies and issues. So yes, do I agree with what Laura Loomer said about Kamala Harris? No, I don’t. I also don’t think it’s really a national import issue.

And there is evidence of Trump’s genius in choosing Vance: a man for whom no lie is too blatant, no attack too far-fetched, no evasion too far-fetched, no step too far in his quest for glory.

Wow, wow. A good boy.

What else should you read?

A must read: How the Trump campaign addressed rumors about immigrants wearing pets, after saying they weren’t true
The world upside down: Trump’s impeachment speech angers election officials
LA Times Special: Union refuses to endorse Trump or Harris for president

stay golden
Anita Chabria

PS: This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that, as my colleague Wendy Lee wrote, “aims to prevent edited content that could harm a candidate’s reputation or public confidence in the outcome of an election, except in the case of parodies and satires. Under the legislation, a candidate, election committee or election official can seek a court order to remove deep-rooted fraud.”

In response, Elon Musk, who has become one of the most influential and powerful purveyors of extremist propaganda and disinformation, posted a revealing video of Harris on Twitter.

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