Elections get only 2.2 percent in Poltracking poll, Luluk Noor Hamida: Only Vols

Jakarta, VIVA – The couple Luluk Nur Hamida and Lukmanul Hakim were elected by only 2.2 percent in the East Java gubernatorial election, according to the results of the Poltracking poll. Faced with these results, the couple responded calmly.

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“So before the current poll, but before that there was another poll, Mas Luqman, and we were already at 10%. So we will be fine with this poll. So we will be calmer, more easily,” Luluk Nur Hamida told reporters on Friday, September 20, 2024.

A pair of candidates for governor and deputy governor of East Java, Luluk Nur Hamida (left) and Lukmanul Hakim (right) during their registration at the KPU East Java Regional Office, Surabaya, East Java, Thursday, August 29, 2024.

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Ridvan Kamil says that according to an internal survey, their efficiency was over 50 percent.

Luluk did not bother to look at the polls that were published before the general elections. Until he said that the poll was not conducted by any political party.

“But I have said it before, don’t let another political poll have someone tagged from the beginning, then the final result will be like this. So learn from the past,” Luluk said.

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“Research can be a reflection, but on the other hand, as we are also in the same world, we also have scientific knowledge that understands how research can be done,” he said.

But Luluk used the results of this poll only as an example of the situation of the candidacy. He did not deny that the results of the poll could generate more enthusiasm to increase the capacity of the electorate.

“This is enough to give us encouragement and motivation to be able to do more and recover the figures reported by one of the research institutions. Because the survey is the other way around. That is good,” he said.

As previously reported, Indonesia’s Poltrekking Institute has released its findings on the 2024 East Java gubernatorial race.

According to the results of the Poltreking poll, Hofia-Emil was elected by 57.3 percent. After that, the pair of Tri Rismaharini-Zahrul Azhar alias Gus Hans has 22.7 percent. Also, the pair Luluk Nur Hamida and Luqmanul Hakim won 2.2 percent.

Another finding in terms of performance in the individual simulation was that Khofifa achieved a selection rate of 55.3 percent. Next was Tri Rismaharini with 22.8 percent and Luluk Nur Hamida with 1.8 percent.

At the same time, Emil Dardak won the elections with 51.7 percent, Zahrul Azhar with 9.9 percent and Luqmanul Hakim with 3.2 percent.

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“This is enough to give us encouragement and motivation to be able to do more and recover the figures reported by one of the research institutions. Because the survey is the other way around. That is good,” he said.

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