BNI provides evidence of sustainable financing in each line of business

Jakarta, VIVA – PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI is committed to being the driving force behind the implementation of sustainable finance.usability finance) in Indonesia, implemented in each business area of ​​the company with measurable objectives.

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One of the initiatives adopted is to set a net zero emissions (NZE) target for BNI’s operations by 2028 and its funding by 2060. In this way, BNI is promoting a series of initiatives, both operationally and financially.

BNI is also particularly interested in encouraging borrowers to implement ESG, particularly in the process of transitioning to greener business activities.

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For this reason, BNI distributes Sustainability Linked Loans (SLL) to borrowers who have a goal. stability in accordance with the SDGs, including the transfer of energy debt.

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With this commitment, BNI managed to win the ESG Republika Award 2024 in the Sustainability Report category. This award was obtained for BNI’s transparency and commitment to producing sustainability reports that are detailed, accurate and aligned with international standards.

BNI Director of Risk Management David Pirzada said the award is clear evidence of BNI’s hard work in building public trust and managing a sustainable business.

“This award is a form of public trust in BNI. We are grateful for this recognition and are committed to continuing to implement the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concept in all aspects of BNI’s business,” David said in a statement on Friday, September 20, 2024.

He added that this award will be an incentive for BNI to continue its development and positive impact on the environment and society.

(BNI Public Relations doc)

(BNI Public Relations doc)


  • Yudha Prasetya

“By implementing ESG principles, BNI not only reinforces good corporate governance but also helps stimulate inclusive and environmentally friendly development in Indonesia,” said David.

He hopes that this achievement can inspire other Indonesian companies to be more active in implementing sustainability principles in their businesses.

“We hope that more companies will adopt ESG measures to create a more sustainable future,” he said.

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“This award is a form of public trust in BNI. We are grateful for this recognition and are committed to continuing to implement the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concept in all aspects of BNI’s business,” David said in a statement on Friday, September 20, 2024.

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