KPK denies Tan Pauline apparently doesn’t know Rita Vidyasari in TPPU case

Jakarta, VIVA – The chairman of the Branch Management Council (DPC) of the Association of Loading and Unloading Companies of Indonesia (APBMI), Loies Subono Saminanto, said that coal businessman Tan Paulin does not know the former regent of Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) Rita Vidyasari.

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Lois Subono admitted that she was surprised when Tan Paulin, popularly known as Ratu Batubara, was suspected of being involved in the Rita Vidyasari TPPU case being investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

“As far as I know, Ms. Rita Vidyasari does not know Tan Pauline, let alone is involved in Rita Vidyasari’s money laundering and money laundering case,” Loies Subono told reporters in the South Jakarta region on Friday, September 20, 2024.

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Lois Subono explained that Tan Paulin is a coal businessman who does business in accordance with current regulations.

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“As far as I know, Tan Paulin has always been a coal businessman whose business focus was the buyer and seller of coal,” he said.

“Therefore, Tan Paulin will buy coal from any company that is legitimate and as long as there is a sales contract with the seller,” he continued.

He explained that Tan Paulin bought coal from an official company. Therefore, he thought it was impossible for Tan Paulin to do business with Rita Vidyasari, who served as regent.

“Tan Pauline’s purchase and sale of pure coal with the companies was done directly without the intervention of Rita Vidyasari as regent at the time,” said Lois Subono.

It is learnt that former Kukar regent Rita Vidyasari has been convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison in the Rs 110 billion case for giving permission for the project in Kukar. The jury delivered the verdict in 2018.

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He explained that Tan Paulin bought coal from an official company. Therefore, he thought it was impossible for Tan Paulin to do business with Rita Vidyasari, who served as regent.

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