The new adventures of these animated characters are ready to entertain children

Jakarta, VIVA – Popular animated character Titus returns to continue his adventures in the latest Titus Detective series. This animated series is one of the local animated works to watch because it features a detective theme that was first shown on Indonesian television.

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In the latest series, Titus doesn’t fight alone. Move again, okay?

Together with Fira, a mechanic, and Bobbit, a witch, they encounter several mysterious cases in the town of Steamburg. Equipped with sophisticated gadgets such as magnifying glasses, watches, and various new equipment, the team must solve mysteries and protect the town from the threats of Bullpan, Dalton, and many other criminals.

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This adventure takes Titus to various locations in Steamburg, from the hustle and bustle of the city to the depths of the wild forest. However, as each mystery is solved, Titus gets closer to the truth about an unexpectedly large enemy.

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In addition to great entertainment, the Detective Titus series is also full of educational values ​​that are important to Indonesian children. Through the image of Titus, children can learn about the importance of honesty, friendship, and the spirit of mutual cooperation in solving problems.

Robi Susanto, head of production at MNC Animation, also emphasized that the series will continue to retain the adventure elements, but with the addition of new elements that will further enrich the story.

Image of a child/watching television.

“The theme of the story remains the same, which is the adventure of Titus and his friends to solve the mystery. The series will have new characters and new gadgets that Titus and his friends will use to solve new cases and criminals, which surely brings back this animated series makes it even more interesting,” said Roby.

The production process for Titus the Detective has started in 2021. Since animation is a creative industry, there are many creative parties involved in each stage of production.

“Visually we improvise to make the production process more efficient, but the quality itself is actually more interesting and better,” says Roby.

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Source: Pixabay/mojzagrebinfo

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