Dr. Tirta says instant noodles are harmful, why?

Jakarta, VIVA – Who can resist instant noodles? If we don’t eat healthy, it becomes difficult. However, recently, people’s health awareness has increased, leading them to reconsider their noodle consumption.

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There are several reasons why we avoid instant noodles, from the issue of the noodles being coated with wax to the taste of the noodles, which can cause serious health problems. Move again, okay?

Busy news about instant noodles and Dr. Tirta spoke. In a podcast with Samuel Christ, he explained that if a food is considered dangerous, one should know why its consumption may be dangerous.

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“Not really. Don’t ask now, people say spicy noodles are dangerous, well, what’s the danger? All noodle netizens are in danger, don’t oppose them, what’s the danger? The danger should be clear. If we say food is dangerous, we need to know what the risk is,” he said, according to Samuel Christ’s YouTube stream.

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He said that if you eat too many noodles in one day, it can affect your health. For example, eating 10 or 50 packets of noodles a day.

“Do you eat 50 noodles a day? Can you eat 10 packets in one meal? It’s just carbohydrates wrapped in flour and mixed with sodium. If you eat noodles constantly and add sodium to your food, if you eat noodles constantly, eat 10 noodles a day, your blood pressure will go up. Do you have enough strength to eat 10 a day? In 10 years. “The problem is that we consider harmful foods to be poison,” he said.

Dr. Tirta explained that instant noodles are simply a type of carbohydrate coated in flour and seasoned. Instant noodles themselves should also be consumed not all the time, but in emergency situations. He said that instant noodles can be a healthy food if vegetables and a source of protein such as hard-boiled eggs are added to them.

“Fast food has little or no nutrition or protein. These instant noodles are used for survival as research shows that if noodles are consumed with vegetable seeds, they have nutritional value. “Therefore, mixing noodles with mashed vegetables and using 2 hard-boiled eggs can reduce the effect of the preservative,” he said.

“The problem is that it is not dangerous, but if it is just fat, it has no nutritional value. Instant noodles are nothing (without vegetables and eggs) and have no nutritional value. So it only satiates you, but not as a source of energy.” “If you add noodles, mustard greens and eggs, there are (nutrients),” Dr. Tirta continued.

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Source: Instagram

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