Prabowo’s men speak of pragmatism and hedonism and even betrayal.

Jakarta, VIVA – The party’s secretary general, Gerindra Ahmad Muzani, referred to pragmatism in the name of short-term interests, which can lead to betrayal.

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He made this statement at the opening of the first national leaders’ meeting (Rapimnas) of the Great Indonesian Muslim Movement (Jemirah) in Jakarta on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

“We cannot just stick to the short-term interests we are fighting for. Pragmatism, hedonism and eventually ending in betrayal, and that is not the goal of our organisation in Jumeirah,” Muzani said.

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President Joko Widodo with Prabowo Subianto at the annual meeting


  • (Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana/Pond Photo via AP)

He therefore asked Jemira, an organisation that is part of the Gerindra Party, to act as a balance in the various current situations, which, he said, are increasingly pragmatic and hedonistic.

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“Jemirah’s job is to provide content in the midst of a movement that is now increasingly dry. To provide encouragement in the midst of our increasingly hedonistic lives. To provide a way for things to become more and more pragmatic,” she said.

“How to stay optimistic but keep the idealism. How to stay enthusiastic but keep things short-term.”

He also mentioned that Gerindra’s victory with the election of Prabowo Subianto as president in the 2024 presidential election will be an encouragement to maintain unity.

Image of choice.

Image of choice.



“Pak Prabowo is determined to uphold and protect the spirit and values ​​of Pancasila as the foundation and philosophy of the Indonesian nation. If that is what is upheld, then tolerance is maintained, then diversity is maintained, if that is what is upheld, then equality, unity, harmony and mutual cooperation will become a spirit that will continue to be upheld,” he said.

He said Prabowo fought for unity because it was a condition for creating economic development in society.

“Unity is a condition for the growth of the country’s development, unity is a condition for the growth of the country’s economy, the economy is the spirit of our life and gives us optimism. Why do we expect so much from Pakistan? Prabowo, because this is what we will fight for,” he said.

Rapimnas I Gemira was held for two days on September 21 and 22 in Jakarta. Gemira General President Mokh was also present at the opening ceremony. Irfan Yusuf (Gus Irfan), Secretary General of Gemira Sudarto, Deputy Minister of Religion Saiful Rahmat Dasuki, Gemira administrators and members, as well as employees of public organizations (ORMAS). (ANT)

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“How to stay optimistic but keep the idealism. How to stay enthusiastic but keep things short-term.”

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