Focusing on Andhra Soni-Dimyati win, Raffi Ahmed returns to Tangerang

Tangerang, LONG LIVE – Artist Raffi Ahmed will soon go to the Holy Land to perform the Umrah pilgrimage. Nagita Slavina’s husband said he will pray for Andra Soni to become the governor of Banten in 2024.

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“I want to go to Umrah, I want to pray for Mr. Andra Soni in front of the Kaaba so that he becomes the governor of Banten,” Raffi told tens of thousands of residents who attended the “Healthy Group” event at the Batavia Grand Business District, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

The leader of the winning Andra team, Soni-Dimyati Natakusuma, has admitted that he will do everything in his power to win the 2024 Banten gubernatorial election, including going down and greeting people.

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In fact, Raffi said that from October 2024 he will move to Tangerang, Banten, to facilitate his work as a winner.

President of the Andra Soni-Dimyati Natakusuma winning team, Raffi Ahmad

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Raffi said Andhra Soni is a potential leader worth fighting for with a wealth of experience.

“Pak Andra Soni always pays attention to the small people because he is the son of a farmer. God willing, he will be the best leader in Banten. Make Banten progressive, fair and equal without corruption,” he said.

Meanwhile, Banten gubernatorial candidate Andra Soni has presented his progressive programmes for development, justice and a corruption-free Banten.

“God willing, free schools, SMA/SMK and Aliya Madrasas, both public and private, will be opened. Thus, mothers will no longer have to worry about admission of their children in public schools,” Andra said.

The former Banten DPRD chairman also said that Gerindra chairman and president-elect Prabowo Subianto asked him to make Banten residents smart, healthy and prosperous.

“Pak Prabowo’s message is to make the people of Banten smart, healthy and prosperous,” Andra said.

He also called on Tangerang residents to work together to elect Maesyal Rasid-Intan Nurul Hikma as the candidate pair for regent and deputy regent of Tangerang.

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Meanwhile, Banten gubernatorial candidate Andra Soni presented his progressive programmes for development, justice and a corruption-free Banten.

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