Lebanese Foreign Minister: Pager bombing is a serious incident that has never happened before

Hamilton, LIVE – Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah Rashid Buhabib said the attack in the form of deadly explosions of pagers and radio devices was a serious event that had never occurred in the history of war.

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He told an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Friday, September 20, 2024 that “the attack came after Israel declared a full-scale war on Lebanon, which will return Lebanon to the ‘stone age’.”

He said that with this terrorist attack, Israel violated the basic principles of international humanitarian law and did not differentiate between civilians and military personnel.

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“Israel is known to ignore international law and human rights because it is accustomed to never being held accountable,” Bouhabib said.

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He called on the Security Council to force Israel to stop its aggression and implement UN Security Council resolutions, warning that failure could lead to a war between East and West.

UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo called the exchange of fire between the Lebanese group Hezbollah and the Israeli military a violation of the ceasefire and a breach of resolution 1701.

“The risk of further escalation of this cycle of violence is very serious and poses a serious threat to the stability of Lebanon, Israel and the entire region,” DiCarlo said at an emergency meeting called by Algeria after pagers and radios exploded, killing civilians in Lebanon.

The explosions occurred in southern Lebanon, including the city of Sidon, as well as in Beirut's southern suburbs and in the Bekaa Valley. (BBC document)

The explosions occurred in southern Lebanon, including the city of Sidon, as well as in Beirut’s southern suburbs and in the Bekaa Valley. (BBC document)

He reiterated the call by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages in Gaza.

“The threats to security and stability not only in Lebanon but in the region could not be more obvious and serious,” he said.

He also called on member states that have influence over these parties to use diplomacy to prevent further destruction and suffering.

VIVA Military: Lebanese Hezbollah flag on the border with Israel

VIVA Military: Lebanese Hezbollah flag on the border with Israel

Algeria’s ambassador to the UN, Amar Benjama, expressed his country’s full solidarity with Lebanon and stressed that “this act of aggression constitutes a war crime.”

Bendjama stressed that turning a civilian device into a bomb is an act that threatens the security of everyone and poses a serious risk.

Bendjama highlighted the threats by Israeli authorities “to start a full-scale war in Lebanon” and said that the statements by the authorities and the airstrikes by Tel Aviv on Beirut on Friday “are evidence that the occupying state of Israel has no interest in peace.”

He called on the US Security Council to comply with resolution 1701, which aims to stop hostilities and stabilise the situation in the region, and demanded that the Israeli aggression cease and that Israeli forces be released from the entire territory of occupied Lebanon.

Meanwhile, Robert Wood, the US deputy ambassador to the UN, stressed once again that Washington “played no role” in the deadly explosion of the telecommunications device.

He said that “the Security Council cannot ignore the origin of this conflict between Israel and Hezbollah” and apparently blamed the Palestinian group Hamas for the outbreak of the current conflict.

Wood claims Hezbollah receives training, arms and funding from Iran, while accusing Tehran of supporting Hamas.

Wood reiterated the United States’ strong support for Israel in the face of Hezbollah attacks, saying:

“The United States continues to believe that a diplomatic resolution is the only way to create conditions for the safe return of displaced Lebanese and Israeli citizens to their homes,” he said.

Fu Kong, China’s ambassador to the UN, also condemned the explosion of telecommunications equipment in Lebanon, calling it “unprecedented in history.”

“This act is undoubtedly a serious violation of the independence and security of a country and a serious violation of international law, especially international humanitarian law. This is an act that violates human life with inhuman cruelty.”

Congress demanded a thorough investigation into the attack and urged Israel to abandon its obsession with the use of force.

He also called on Israel to immediately halt its military operations in Gaza and end the violation of Lebanon’s independence and security.

Russia’s UN ambassador Vasyl Nebenziya said the perpetrators of the bombing were deliberately trying to create a large-scale military confrontation.

“They tried to start a new big war in the Middle East,” he said.

Russia considers the explosion a terrorist attack, which was the result of the “pseudo-diplomacy” of the US government. (ant)

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Source: Doc. bbc

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