Aberrant findings on suspects’ cell phones – GENTE Online

In the last few hours the results of some of the hijacked phones in the case being investigated The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peñathe 5-year-old boy from Corrientes whose family has been looking for him since June 13.

The analysis of the expert reports carried out on the 27 teams seized Among other things, it revealed what searches were carried out after the minor’s disappearance and how long the calls between the suspects lasted.

On the cell phone of one of the detainees, more precisely that of the retired ship captain Carlos perezHE “they saw several logins to pornographic sites”indicated in said report the specialists of the Argentine Federal Police (PFA) in charge of the investigations.

In addition, it was said that in the search history of Perez’s Samsung Galaxy model J5 Prime a query was found about a map of San Juan. And a voice message from June 19 to the former commissioner Walter Macielarrested for concealment, asking him to guard his house so that evidence would not be planted against him or harmed by the town’s neighbors.

Carlos Pérez, the ship captain accused of co-authorship of the crime of recruitment of persons for the purpose of aggravated exploitation.

“Good morning, Commissioner. This is Carlos Pérez speaking. Based on the leaks, on the things we are seeing with everything The theme of the missing childI was going to ask you if you could appoint a guard in the house because, obviously, many people in the town, for some unfounded reasons, I don’t know, They are accusing me and my wife“We are afraid, afraid that someone will come and try to harm us or plant some evidence in the truck or in the car,” Pérez told Maciel in that message.

In addition, on another device whose user is unknown, PFA experts found several images of a minor who would be 17 years old and photos of murdered women and pornography“It’s an unused cell phone that had deleted photos of that guy. They seem to be montages. It is being analyzed,” a source linked to the investigation of the case told Infobae about that ownerless phone.

Loan’s parents, Maria and Jose, demand that their son be found alive and that they know what happened.

“According to the chronological order, The device would have been used until October 1, 2021because from October 9, 2021 to August 27, 2023, the content of the phone changes completely and since that date it has a large number of pornographic images, photos of women, minors, murdered women and does not have any other data,” can be read in the forensic analysis incorporated into the court file by the judge. Cristina Pozzer Penzo.

The investigators of the case also examined the cell phone of Laudelina Peñathe missing child’s aunt, also arrested for the crime of child abduction. On that device the police found the much talked about chat with the former official Maria Victoria CaillavaPérez’s wife, imprisoned in Salta, inviting her to eat that afternoon on June 13 in the name of her grandmother Katherine.

Laudelina, Loan’s aunt, is detained for the crime of child abduction.

On that same phone the investigators They also found a call from Laudelina to her partner, Antonio Benitezwho was arrested for child recruitment for exploitation as a primary participant, on the day of Loan’s disappearance. But what is so strange about that communication? After a missed call, they contacted each other again and spoke for more than 9 minutes.

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