Renata del Castillo abandons her cancer treatment

Renata del Castillo / Instagram

The renowned actress Renata del Castillo who has participated in major television productions and in the famous series “Como dice el dicho” and “Lo que callamos las mujeres”, has announced to the media and her followers an important decision regarding her health.

The actress, who has been suffering from cervical cancer since 2023, announced that she will suspend her treatment and stop receiving chemotherapy and radiation. According to the actress’ words to the program “Let Joy Come”, These conventional treatments have been too aggressive and strong for his body, so his life has been at risk.

“I have been close to dying twice from haemorrhages, due to radiation, not from the cancer itself. I can only be saved by blood donations, please donate blood, it is very important,” said in an interview with “Venga la Alegría”.

Likewise, it has been possible to learn that thanks to various tests and studies, the cancer that Renata del Castillo has spread to other parts of her body, developing metastases, which is why her mobility has been greatly reduced.

“Now I have metastasis, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body… so I can’t walk, I have other tumors,” she said in the interview. “I won’t be able to undergo chemotherapy because of the bleeding I have, I already spoke to the oncologist, this triggers the cancer to progress, but I will continue to fight (…) on two occasions I was close to dying from hemorrhages,” she added.

Finally, the 42-year-old actress assured that she will continue to fight against this disease and that she will seek a solution in alternative medicine.

“If you already have this mess in front of you, what do you do with it? Either you throw yourself on the ground or you transform it into something positive, into something interesting to tell people, into a message of life and not of death,” he said at the end of his interview with Venga la Alegría.

Also, in a video reel For the official Azteca Uno profile on Instagram, Renata del Castillo also spoke about how difficult her process with spinal cancer has been.

“I love having discipline for everything I do, from what time I get up, the exercises I do, meditation, and that has helped a lot in my life and my progress in health. I love life! I saw it as an opportunity to be a spokesperson for something different and important like being well,” she said in the video.

She added that she has continued to fight and found a way to cope with the disease. “You get up, have a good cry and get on with life, I don’t really see it as that complex. People want to see it as complex, but in itself it is not complex. It represents something very beautiful to be able to tell people that this is an opportunity for life, not a life sentence (…) to convey to the public something important, something beyond what is said about cancer,” said the actress.

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