Why won’t Irina Baeva leave “Aventurera”?


Irina Baeva

That’s right, Irina Baeva is staying on as the lead in the play “Aventurera”. Just a few days ago, producer Juan Osorio made the big announcement that he was going to make changes to the cast and that he was going to announce the names on July 18th. It was even said that another artist would be joining to star in “Aventurera”.

Since then, all the media have been waiting to see who would take Irina’s place, who has received strong criticism for her performance in the play. Even Niurka Marcos, former Venturera, destroyed Irina’s performance in the play. “Irina is not a vedette, no. With so many extraordinary actresses and comedians that we have in our beloved Mexico… beauty and being an actress are not enough. Elena Tejero demands much more. But also, trying to sing, and in Russian, are you going to give people a translator? Or do you want to boast that she is bilingual? Knowledgeable audiences, how dare they confuse you. They do not respond to the demands of ‘Aventurera’. I am forced to say in Spanish: Do you dance? “said Niurka, TVyMás reported.

But the criticism from Niurka, Osorio’s ex-wife, was not what made the producer decide to announce changes in the play. Osorio claims that it was the criticism from the press that made him plan a change in “Aventurera.” But after a few days thinking about this change, he preferred to stay with the same cast. Which means that Irina will continue to play Elena Tejero.

Osorio told the press on Thursday night that if he were to replace Irina with another actress, he would then be asked to replace another, and another, and another. “So am I going to change every time they ask me? No. We started with this cast and we finish with this cast.”

Osorio says that he did not make changes to the cast for ethical reasons. “I will never change the human being I have been with the actors,” Osorio said.

The only change that will be made in “Adventurer” will be in the choreography, music and costumes.

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