After another hospitalization, Franco Mercuriali shared important news – GENTE Online

Franco Mercuriali He once again took to his social networks to communicate important news about his health status. After be re-admitted by the same bacteria that attacked your body last year and caused havoc to his health, the journalist from TN reappeared on his Instagram account to announce some news.

It is that, in the last hours, Mercuriali rose a new video to your feed of the aforementioned social network, where he is seen playing with his dog in the vicinity of his home, and confirmed the scoop: he had been discharged after spending several days hospitalized in the Finochietto Sanatorium due to a new infection in his leg.

“At home now. With a nice welcome”wrote the driver of TN next to the recording with his pet and after going through a difficult personal moment. Meanwhile, he said: “Tomorrow (for this Tuesday) I’m going back to TN. Thank you for the warm messages I received. Wishes for a speedy recovery came true. Thank you for so much love. I love you all so much.”

How was Franco Mercuriali’s last hospitalization?

Days ago, the journalist Franco Mercuriali He was again hospitalized for a dangerous infection which affected his lower extremities.

According to what Franco said on his social networks last Thursday, he had many symptoms and that led to a medical consultation and his subsequent hospitalization, which kept him away from the news show he hosts for more than a week.

Franco Mercuriali’s message on social media.

“I have been hospitalized since Monday. That’s why I wasn’t at TN this week. The bacteria that affected my leg last year reappeared with the same symptoms“, the renowned host began by saying in a post that he uploaded to his Instagram account.

And he added: “Fever, severe stomach pain and a burning leg. This time the antibiotics seem to work faster. I hope to recover soon and that it won’t be as hard as last year.”

The journalist also took advantage of the post to thank all his followers and the medical professionals who accompanied him during this difficult time. He said: “Thank you for all the messages asking about my absence. Thank you to the entire team of doctors at @osde and @sanatoriofinochietto for the excellent care. Once again. Thanks to my family for being there with all their hearts“.

Franco Mercuriali was hospitalized for several days due to a bacteria that entered his body.

The health problem that Franco Mercuriali had last year

On November 5th of last year, Franco posted a message on his Instagram account announcing that he was hospitalized at the Finochietto Sanatorium. “It is a bacteria that is difficult to combat with antibiotics. “It’s painful and gives me a high fever. Today I finally feel better and we’re starting to see the end of this nightmare,” she said at the time.

And a few days later, he uploaded another post in which he announced: “I’m home now after 10 days in hospital. “There was a large swelling that will take some time to recover from. I didn’t expect something like this. I don’t know how it happened or why. It happened. I am grateful to the doctors who treated me with such patience and to my family who was by my side supporting me and giving me all their love.”

Franco Mercuriali has been hospitalized since Monday. Photo on social media.
Franco Mercuriali’s first post talking about his health.

More information at People


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