Pablo Duggan was accused of abuse and harassment by the announcer Ana Maccaroni – GENTE Online

The producer and announcer Ana Maccaroni He again pointed at Pablo Duggan almost a year after the first public complaint she made against the host for mistreatment and workplace harassment in the radio space they shared.

As time went by and there was a lack of responses, Maccaroni once again posted on her social networks the need for a real change in her work: “It has been one year, one month and three days since I exposed workplace bullying! It’s business as usual! Duggan didn’t keep his promises”.

Ana Maccaroni’s X posts once again target Pablo Duggan for harassment.

After this post on X (formerly Twitter), the announcer spoke with the cell phone of THE M (America) and explained that at that time, several people expressed solidarity, but that no collective action had been taken against Duggan due to “fear of losing jobs”: “It plunged me into depression.. I am under psychiatric and psychological treatmentwhich I have to put up with, of course.”

At the moment Maccaroni is on medical leave due to harassment. “The license says: ‘the patient has started psychiatric treatment in February 2024 after being referred by her psychologist with whom she has been seeing for approximately a year. Depression. It mentions that the symptoms are anxiety attacks, panic, feeling of loss of control,” read the announcer, then summarizing the situation in a crude sentence: “It’s that I no longer wanted to live”.

In the description of the professionals she is dealing with, they indicated that “when she goes to her workplace, she mentions that her symptoms and feeling of vulnerability increase.”

Although he is not currently in dialogue with Duggan, as he is in mediation with lawyers, The announcer explained that some time ago the host made promises of changes in the working relationship..

“He said he was going to take charge, that I was going to go back to my schedule, that nothing was going to change, because when they call him to Human Resources he kneels down, says that we both cried, I didn’t cry. He apologized, He said that I had screwed up his career. I didn’t screw up anyone’s career, I’m nobody to do that.“He also said that because of me he was going to get divorced and that he had two children…” she explained.

She even claimed that outside of workplace harassment situations, she experienced threats regarding the posts she made on social media: “They sent me a message telling me that I could no longer publish on Twitter.“That’s why I spent almost a year doing absolutely nothing.”

This harassment at work must endit’s not good that they make you feel like you’re nobody, that suddenly you have to learn a career all over again” Maccaroni reflected, and then dedicated it to a message directly to Duggan: “Let him try to lower that arrogance that he haswhich will not lead him anywhere and that he is not the only one who behaves badly towards me, but there are also many people who are afraid of losing their jobs.”

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