Toti Pasman doubled the bet after Jorgelina Cardoso’s comments and announced that he will go to trial – GENTE Online

Over the past few days there has been a lot of talk about the documentary Angel Di MariaBreak the wall‘. Above all, for the Netflix promo which shows a self-help group for “anonymous critics” and one of the characters is inspired by Toti Pasman. Faced with this, the sports journalist shared his anger and revealed that he will take the series’ producer to court.

This Tuesday, in American Breakfast (América TV) invited Pasman to talk about the scandal that was generated around the Di María series, especially after the promotion of the fiction and the recent comments by Jorgelina Cardoso, the player’s wife. “I come out of this a better journalist and a better person, I have no doubts, and I take charge“, Toti said.

“Yes, I want to point out the things I didn’t like, the blacklist, the commercial, the girl… I have to defend myself, I also have the right to defend myself“, he said. At that moment, Gustavo Grabia commented: “If you get into the ring and deal out, you have to know that on the other side they are also going to deal out. Sometimes you hit and sometimes they hit you.”

Toti Pasman is angry with the promo that Netflix made for Ángel Di María’s series.

Grabia then said: “I didn’t see the series so I don’t know if there is any insult that could lead one to say ‘they are tarnishing my professional honor, I’m going to sue you.’ If not, To bring this to a legal state, it seems to me to be a lot“.

Toti quickly clarified: “I’m not going to judge Di María, obviously, but yes to the production company that made the commercialwho called me to participate, who gave me a script, who changed the script at the last minute, who I did not give my authorization to, who I told him that it seemed offensive to me and to Martín Liberman… You may ask the agency that made the commercial for compensation.“.

After listening to the guest, Pamela David asked him: “Do you have to authorize someone who is making a fiction?” Without hesitation, Pasman said: “And yes, they called me to star in it…“. To which Natalie Weber asked: “Aren’t they covered by putting another name? Very similar obviously.”

Toti Pasman will take the production company of Di María’s series to court.

That’s why they are advising me, but I didn’t like the way they handled it at all.“Toti confessed. Then, Lucas Martin explained: “If they use your image in advertising, content or whatever, they have to ask you for permission, as long as they are not doing any kind of parody. If they are representing you with another name, another personality, It is legal“.

Finally, the panelist said: “The statement ‘this is me, obviously it’s a joke on me’ is very good… And they warned you, when they warn you beforehand and you say ‘no’, your image cannot be used, because you have already said that you do not want your image to be used. They should use another reporter, another person entirely… “That’s illegal.”

The sayings of Jorgelina Cardozo

Amid the repercussions of the premiere of the documentary series about the life of Ángel Di María, his wife, Jorgelina Cardoso, revealed on the air of Mariana’s diary (America) a back and forth that he had with Pasman at an airport.

“To me, he came, He came up to me and told me that he had misbehaved.that he had been a jerk* and that he had behaved terribly. And I told him ‘don’t ask me for forgiveness, ask your parents for forgiveness’, because I’m not interested. For me you have to apologize to Angel and his parents. And I had my in-laws next to me and I told him ‘apologize to them’ and I shook his hand, of course, I’m polite. I can understand that he felt bad, but the pain doesn’t go away with an apology, it’s already done,” said the footballer’s wife.

Jorgelina Cardoso with Ángel Di María and her daughters on the pitch.

And regarding Toti’s apology, he said: “It’s not that they didn’t accept it, then he said the same thing to my father-in-law, the same thing he said to me. My mother-in-law told him ‘that’s it, it’s over’, obviously with a lump in her throat and my father-in-law looked at him and didn’t say anything and didn’t shake his hand.As a mother, I don’t know how she would have reacted. As a wife, I really don’t care, it’s too late. I was interested in her apologizing to her parents and, if she ever crosses paths with him, to Angel.”

More information at People


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