Why José Peña, Loan’s older brother, could be arrested – GENTE Online

It’s been 98 days since Danilo Peña Loan disappeared in Corrientes and in recent days there were new arrests in the case. However, in these hours the news was known that Jose Penaone of the missing boy’s older brothers, could also be imprisoned.

After the arrests of the American and 8 other members of the Dupuy Foundation became known, in the newscast A24 They surprised by revealing a detail about José’s actions for which he could be arrested.

They said that the young man had approached the place where the children of two of those arrested for the disappearance of his brother were being kept, Monica Millapi and Daniel ‘Fierrito’ Ramirezand he would have done so together with an expert to make a private reconstruction of the events.

What makes José’s situation even more difficult is that the incident would have occurred outside the framework of the law. Faced with this, the lawyers Jorge Montti and Roberto Hansonrepresenting Millapi and Ramirez, filed a complaint with the judge Cristina Pozzer Penzowho is conducting Loan’s research.

Loan Danilo Peña has been missing for almost 100 days.

In this document, the lawyers explain that on Thursday, September 12, Loan’s brother, José Peña, and a man who said he was an expert “appeared at the home of Víctor Fernández and Gabriela Millapi, brother-in-law and sister of the accused Mónica Millapi, stating that their minor children should attend in the company of the Peña family and the expert carry out a private reconstruction in the area and the orange grove“.

The lawyers then state that “the family immediately contacted the lawyers who informed them that They should not respond to any requirement that is not the result of a judicial decision“.

Jose Peña, Loan Danilo Peña’s brother, could be arrested.

In this way, the lawyers assured that both José Peña Jr. and the alleged expert incurred in “an excess” that they describe as “obstruction of judicial investigation and disobedience“. Furthermore, this interferes with the judge’s work and is “affecting the rights of children”, especially when a resolution has already been issued for the “protection of minors”.

In light of this, the judge issued a resolution where she “let the parties know that they must comply with the judicial rules on the correct course of the process and collection of evidence,” although it was learned that does not rule out new arrests linked to the case.

The words of José Codazzi’s lawyer on the possible arrest of José Peña

This Tuesday, in Chronicle TV They talked with Angela Burgosthe lawyer of José Fernández Codazzi, former lawyer of Laudelina Peña, who gave details of what would be happening with Loan’s brother. At the beginning of the conversation, Thomas Mendez He asked the lawyer: “Is Loan’s brother going to jail too?”

“It depends on what crime they may be accusing him of. If it’s about money, maybe yes.but for another reason I don’t see him having a relationship… Not because of the disappearance, not at all. We have to be very careful in the media about attributing crimes to people who don’t have them. He has nothing to do with the disappearance of the child“, Burgos said.

Quickly, one of the panelists of the program commented: “With respect to Loan’s brother, what they tell us is that he is being investigated, not for the money that was sent to him, which were different donations, but for the money he made the transaction sent. Not for what he received, but for what he sent, because there are certain dubious transfers that the Justice Department is concerned about.”

Then he clarified: “And It’s not about the purchase of the motorcycle“. To which one of her colleagues commented: “Who did they send it to? Obviously They are investigating the other end of the transfer“. It is said that José received a million-dollar sum in donations to start the search for his younger brother and with that money he bought a high-end motorcycle.

More information at People


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