Alice in Wonderland with a mountain twist.

The Mad Hatter Paints His Face Megan Reilly

Face painting is one of several children’s activities at today’s Magic in the Mountains: A Mad Hatter Community Event in Snowmass Village.

Snowmass Village is hosting a community event today to mark the end of the summer season with the inaugural Magic in the Mountains: The Mad Hatter’s Community Work.

The event, which is free to the public, will be held at Snowmass Base Village from 4 to 9 p.m., featuring live music by the Tea Makers, a hat decorating contest, live painting by local artists Kelly Peters and Heather Quinn, tarot card readings and other miscellaneous activities.

Attendees are encouraged to adopt an Alice and Wonderland theme and dress in festive attire. The top three contestants in the costume contest will receive gift cards to local Snowmass businesses.

Throughout the event, guests can enjoy complimentary beverages (one drink ticket per person), including mocktails and specialty adult cocktails provided by Mawita and Limelight.

Tea party refreshments are also available while supplies last. As the sun sets, the fun will continue with a silent disco under the stars from 7 to 9 p.m.

“It’s a really fun and wonderful way to end and celebrate the summer season with community, art, music, food and drink,” said Sarah Saunders, the college’s director of grounds and events. “Some of the highlights we’re particularly excited about include the Mad Hatter hat design contest.

Alice in Wonderland

This Alice and Wonderland mural, created by local artists Kelly Peters and Heather Quinn, will be featured in today’s Magic in the Mountains: The Mad Hatter Community Work at Snowmass Village Snowmass Village.

All art supplies for the competition will be provided. There will be live painting by local artists Kelly Peters and Heather Quinn, and complimentary drinks and snacks while supplies last.

The Mad Hatter theme is Saunders’ idea.

“This is something I’ve wanted to do for the past three years,” Saunders said. “I was thinking about having a community tea party and recreating the Alice in Wonderland ride scene, but with a mountain twist. This is the perfect opportunity for families, friends and the entire community to come together in Snowmass Village for a day of fun and wonder.”

The entire grass field in the village of Baza is covered by two huge 30-metre tables with various crafts. Each table will be themed with activities. There are colours and a magician entertains the children.

“We’ve started decorating and it’s looking really cool at Base Village,” Saunders said. “It’s going to be a fun environment, no matter what age you are. It’s going to be a truly magical setting. The goal is for it to be for kids and adults.”

As summer comes to a close, when asked which summer event he was most proud of, Saunders pointed to the success of WKND’s inaugural Comedy Summer.

“Comedy Weekend was a huge success,” he said. “We’ve sold out all of our main stage shows. From a first-year perspective, it’s been really successful. And we’ve already gotten permission to go ahead next summer and make it even bigger. So I’m really proud of that.”

What does Saunders hope people will get out of attending Saturday’s Mad Hatter event?

“I hope people have a new memory of Baza Village and that they had a day where they were able to be creative or do something new that they wouldn’t normally do and just have a fun, creative day out in the mountains, with the community and their friends and family.”

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