Along with Arya Vasco, Cinta Laura stars in the television series “Revenge.”

Jakarta, VIVA – Actress Cinta Laura will play a role in the latest series of “Dendam”, directed by Razka Robbie Ertanto. This series is in the spotlight because it reunites Cinta Laura with her lover Arya Vasco in the same project.

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Both are involved in the lead roles, with Cinta Laura playing the role of Renata, while Arya Vasco plays the role of James. Move on.

In an interview conducted in the Kebon Siri area in Central Jakarta, Cinta Laura expressed her interest in working with Arya Vasco in Dendam.

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“Yes, I am happy to play, (it is) my first experience shooting with Vasco,” he said.

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Behind this enthusiasm, however, Cinta Laura also admitted that there were initial concerns about this collaboration. She was worried that the frequent meetings at the exhibition could lead to boredom or even conflict.

“At first there was fear because sometimes people said the meeting would be too boring and even cause conflicts,” he said.

These concerns turned out to be unfounded. On the other hand, Cinta Laura felt that her relationship with Arya Vasco became stronger and more harmonious during filming.

“But it turns out that at that time we saw each other almost every day, our relationship good – good just keep it consistent,” he said.

Cinta added that she feels lucky to have a partner who is also a friend and always supports her in difficult times.

“And it’s great to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend, so if we’re in a bad mood, there’s always someone to calm us down and soothe us,” she said.

In addition to Cinta Laura and Arya Vasco, Dendam also features several talented actors and actresses such as Zach Lee, Ryan Made, Ismi Melinda, and Willie Dozan. The series is adapted from the 1990 fantasy opera Deru Debu, which many fans will remember.

The story of “Revenge” centers on the journey of the heroine Renata, who seeks justice for the tragedy that befell her family. Her father was kidnapped and her younger brother was murdered. This tragedy leads Renata to become a police officer and an MMA fighter to avenge her family.

The Dendam series will be available to watch from September 20, 2024 on the Vision+ streaming platform.

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“But it turns out that at that time we saw each other almost every day, our relationship was good and still harmonious,” he explained.

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