Comment! These are 5 deadly mistakes that will get your online loan application rejected

Jakarta, VIVA Applying for a loan online seems easy, especially since the process is quick and the terms are simple. However, it is not uncommon for online lending platforms to reject applications and this can be confusing.

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Also, when you find yourself in a situation where online loan funds are really needed to meet immediate needs, keep in mind that online loan application rejection can occur due to various factors.

Because potential borrowers often make many mistakes without realizing it, and this affects the lender’s decision to approve you. To have a better chance of getting approved, it is important to understand the mistakes that can lead to rejection.

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Below are some fatal mistakes that are frequently made and can lead to online loan applications being rejected:

Fatal mistakes that lead to rejection of online loan applications

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1. Incomplete or invalid personal information
One of the most common mistakes is filling out incomplete or invalid personal information. Many people rush through the application and forget important details such as their ID number or address. Information that does not match these official documents can result in rejection.

2. Bad credit history
Online lending platforms often check your credit history before approving an application. If you have a bad credit history, such as defaults or late payments, your application will likely be rejected.

3. Income does not meet demand.
Many online loan providers set minimum income requirements to ensure borrowers’ ability to repay. If your income does not meet these requirements, it will be difficult to approve your loan application.

4. Too many loan applications
Receiving too many loan applications in a short period of time can also be grounds for rejection. The system may identify this activity as suspicious behavior and indicate that you are in financial trouble.

5. Does not meet age criteria.
Every online lending platform has an age limit for borrowers. If you are too young or older than the age limit, your application may be rejected. Therefore, before applying, make sure that you meet the requirements of the online lending platform.

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2. Bad credit history Online lending platforms usually check your credit history before approving your application. If you have a bad credit history, such as defaults or late payments, your application is likely to be rejected.

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