Crazy! SBY performs Type-X’s You’re Not Alone, audience automatically screams

Jakarta, VIVA – Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono or popularly known as SBY wowed when he entered the Pestapora 2024 main stage at the Pestapora 2024 Music Festival held at Ji Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta. , he managed to catch the attention of the audience.

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Wearing a casual style, a blue T-shirt and a leather jacket, SBY performed several Indonesian hits. One thing that surprised the guests was that SBY performed a song by popular Indonesian band Jenis-X. You are not alone.

SBY, together with the Tohpati orchestra, managed to perform the song with a different feeling. However, the audience who came enjoyed the show.

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“In a JenisX song, you’re not alone,” he said before performing the song.

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The audience, who took to the Pestapora stage, joined in with the chorus and immediately sang along enthusiastically. SBY also seemed to enjoy singing the song.

“Thank you, thank you TypeX, a song that really makes us all excited, we love this song. – Now I want to sing a full song…” SBY said.

Before the end of his speech, the audience immediately shouted out SBY’s name.

“SBY… SBY…. SBY…. SBY…, in the press.

SBI, who heard his name called, immediately thanked the audience.

“Thank you very much,” he said.

He immediately also invited the audience to another song, namely the song titled remember me Enough.

“Well, this song was made by Nuff, who loves Nuff. A beautiful song, a sad song, but a beautiful song. If everyone knows it, we will sing together. remember me, don’t forget mesaid.

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“SBY… SBY…. SBY…. SBY…, in the press.

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