Defending the land, 3 PT MEG staff members were injured when they were attacked by Rempang residents

Rempang Island, VIVA – A total of three employees of PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG) were injured in a conflict with residents of Rempang, Batam Island, Riau Islands, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. PT MEG said it was defending itself because it was attacked by dozens of residents.

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PT MEG President Director Nouraini Setiawati said that around a dozen residents have arrived at the land handed over to PT MEG by BP Batam. PT MEG employees then stood up to defend the land.

“As a result of the residents’ violence, PT. MEG Hardin employee, whose name was Hardin, suffered internal injuries and a fractured jaw, Afrizal suffered injuries under his eyes that blurred his vision, Franklin suffered a head injury. Three people were hospitalized for three days,” Nuraini said in his statement dated September 21, 2024.

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From the photographs taken, it is clear that Franklin had an open wound on his head as a result of being hit by a hard object. Similarly, Afrizal’s eyes were bruised to the point that they looked like open wounds.

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Nuraini explained that his party was given authority to develop and manage the Rempang area. PT MEG, as a party appointed by the Batam Concession Agency (BP Batam) and the Batam City Government, approached the residents, where some residents were willing to hand over their occupied land to PT MEG and BP Batam.

“Part of the land donated by the residents was protected by PT MEG at the request of BP Batam, which was then cleared by PT MEG for food security and also to attract the attention of local residents that they are ready to farm as the land is not used for the Rempang area development project,” Nuraini explained.

On Wednesday (18/9) at around 11:00 WIB, when PT MEG and two local residents were carrying out an empowerment program, i.e. farming, about 20 residents of Sembulang Campsite led by Bakir suddenly arrived. Nuraini explained that the party asked PT MEG to leave the place.

“This request was rejected by PT MEG because they believe that the residents they were told are not the legitimate owners of the land,” he said.

Nuraini said residents kept coming to provoke and harass PT MEG. The situation escalated as more than 50 people, some of them anarchists, kept coming and bringing firewood.

“The current situation leads to violent acts by residents against PT MEG. In such a situation, because it threatens personal safety, PT MEG is forced to defend itself and as a result, residents who commit violent acts attack. Self-defense is only carried out against residents who engage in violence,” Nuraini explained.

Nuraini read that a local resident, Nek Ave, nicknamed Hawa, was a victim of the conflict. Nuraini stressed that PT MEG did not take any action regarding Nek Ave, who was later injured.

In short, the violence by residents stopped after the Galang police chief and his entourage arrived to calm the situation.

“The police chief then mediated between the residents and PT MEG, but the residents asked to vacate the land given to PT MEG by the previous tenants, otherwise they would act anarchically and evict them by force,” Nuraini explained.

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On Wednesday (18/9) at around 11:00 WIB, when PT MEG and two local residents were carrying out an empowerment program, i.e. farming, about 20 residents of Sembulang Campsite led by Bakir suddenly arrived. Nuraini explained that the party asked PT MEG to leave the place.

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