DPR hails Susi Air pilot’s release from KKB hostage as world record

Jakarta, VIVA – Deputy Chairman of DPR Commission I Teuku Riefki Harsya assessed that the release of Susi Air pilot Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, who was held hostage by the Free Papua Organization (FPO)/KKB, could become an international historical record for Indonesia’s ability to properly handle hostage cases.

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Jokowi described the release of KGB pilot Susi as a result of patience and no repressive actions

“We, from the RI DPR Commission, believe that this also provides the historical record of the international world that this country is capable of resolving well the cases of hostages of foreign citizens in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia,” Teuku Rifki said in a statement obtained in Jakarta, Saturday, September 21, 2024.

He also assessed that the success of the release of Pilot Felipe is the result of the success of many parties, from the TNI-Polri apparatus, the central government, the regional government, religious leaders and traditional leaders to the participation of the local community.

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Pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens is released and handed over to the central government

Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens is happy to be reunited with his family after being released from KKB hostages (source: special)

In particular, he said, the 1st RDP Commission also thanked Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, TNI Commander General Agus Subianto and State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Chief Budi Gunavan as working partners of the 1st RDP Commission. PDR Commission. who played an important role in the successful implementation of the mission.

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Air Force One pilot Susi, declared sane after 19 months as a KKB hostage, was flown to Jakarta.

“We would like to express our gratitude for the various efforts made with great patience over the past year and a half. Of course, it was not easy, but the mission to free the pilot Philip Mehrtens from a new Zealand citizen aircraft was actually accomplished, and it finally paid off,” he said.

Philip Mark Mehrtens, who had been held hostage by the Free Papua Organization (FPO)/armed criminal group (KGB) led by Egianus Kogoya since February 2023, was finally released on 21 September 2024.

Head of Public Relations Task Force of Operation Kartenz 2024, AKBP Bayu Suseno, said that the pilot Philip was successfully freed and picked up by a joint team located in Yuguru Village, Maibarok District, Nduga Regency and immediately transferred to the mobile battalion. Brigade B./Timika headquarters was moved.

Pilot Susi Air, Kapten Philips Max Mehrtens disandera KKB Papua.

Pilot Susi Air, Kapten Philips Max Mehrtens disandera KKB Papua.

The head of the Peace Operation Kartens 2024 Brigade, General Faizal Ramazani, stressed that the Peace Operation Kartens 2024 Task Force prefers soft, not hard, approaches in the effort to free pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, who was being held hostage by the KGB.
“Yes, it is true, we are prioritizing outreach through religious, ecclesiastical, traditional figures and close family members of Egianus Kogoya,” Faizal said in his statement in Jakarta on Saturday. (ant)

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Philip Mark Mehrtens, who had been held hostage by the Free Papua Organization (FPO)/armed criminal group (KGB) led by Egianus Kogoya since February 2023, was finally released on 21 September 2024.

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