Jokowi opens state palace at IKN before resignation

Jakarta, VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will inaugurate several infrastructure projects at the Central Government Complex (KIPP) in the Archipelago Capital (IKN), including the State Palace, before leaving office.

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Head of the IKN Working Group on Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of PUPR, Danis Sumadilaga, said that the inauguration will also be held in Jokowi together with the inauguration of the Coordination Office of the Ministry of Coordination (Kemenko) in IKN.

“We hope to open the State Palace, Garuda Palace and perhaps parts of Coordinating Ministry 1, Coordinating Ministry 3 and Coordinating Ministry 4 later. We hope to target October this year,” Danis said in his office on Friday. Sept. 20, 2024.

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As for when exactly President Jokowi will be sworn in, Danis admitted that he could no longer confirm this. He only said that he hoped it could be implemented before the change of government on October 20, 2024. “I hope so,” he said.

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He explained that the overall progress of the IKN development phase has now reached 93 percent. Meanwhile, stage II accounted for 60 percent and stage III about 16 percent.

For access roads, including toll roads, some sections are expected to be completed by the end of 2024. These include segment 3A Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau with a length of 13.4 km and segment 3B Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung with a length of 7.33 km.

Then there is also Segment 5A, Simpang Tempadung to Balang Island Bridge, 6.68km long, which connects to Segment 5B Balang Island Bridge to Simpang Rico, 13.26km. “The progress on 3A, 3B, 5B is almost over 90 percent,” Danis said.

Meanwhile, in the residential sector, the completion of 47 residential towers for the State Civil Administration (ASN) and Defense and Security is currently underway, with the aim of completing up to 21 towers by October 2024. It should be noted that currently the total number of completed towers is only about 12 towers.

“ASN 4 apartments is at 83 percent. Then Paspampres is at 71 percent. The average is around 80 percent,” said Danis.

In addition, 14 residential units for Ministry Offices (RTJM) have already been completed. The number of completed houses is planned to increase from 36 to 28 by October 2024.

On the other hand, Danis confirmed that the government has also started the construction of the State Mosque with a progress of 20 percent, while the Basilica project is currently under auction.

“Next, in the water resources sector, we have completed around 22 water reservoirs. Earlier, our target was to reach 30 water reservoirs, but we are increasing it and we are trying to reach 60 water reservoirs,” he said.

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Then there is also Segment 5A, Simpang Tempadung to Balang Island Bridge, 6.68km long, which connects to Segment 5B Balang Island Bridge to Simpang Rico, 13.26km. “The progress on 3A, 3B, 5B is almost over 90 percent,” Danis said.

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