Komjen Wahyu will impoverish drug traffickers

Jakarta, VIVA – Barescream Polry stressed that it will charge all drug dealers and parties involved in drug trafficking under the section on money laundering offences (TPPU).

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The head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police, Komjen Wahu Widada, admitted that he had ordered all his staff not only to arrest the criminals but also to confiscate all their assets.

“We will never stop arresting criminals and drug traffickers. We will pursue their assets until we charge them with money laundering,” he said in a written statement on Friday, September 20, 2024.

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Wahyu said he hopes impoverishing traders and couriers will act as a deterrent and a warning to other criminals.

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On the other hand, he hopes that the implementation of the TPPU clause can also curb drug trafficking in Indonesia. The reason is that it makes criminals think twice before committing the crime of drug distribution.

“We have conveyed to all ranks of the national police down to the regional level that whenever a drug case is detected, the TTPP will be prosecuted,” he said.

“Only by impoverishing them, God willing, can we protect the entire Indonesian people from the dangers of drugs,” he stressed.

Previously, Bareskrim Polri managed to seize the total assets of Malaysian-Indonesian drug lord from North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Hendra Sabarudin worth IDR 221 billion.

The head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the National Police, Commissioner General Wahu Widada, said the seizure was carried out by investigators from the Narcotics Crime Bureau Barescrim Polri as part of the investigation into the Prosecution of Money Laundering Offences (TPPU) committed by Hendra.

The disclosure explained that Hendra himself was a drug trafficker in the Malaysia-Indonesia international network that operated between 2017 and 2024. During this period, it said, the total cash flow of the Hendra Group could reach Rp2.1 trillion.

“In his operation from 2017 to 2024, during this time he imported seven tons of crystal methamphetamine from Malaysia. He was assisted by another suspect. In this case, PPATK’s financial analysis was HS2.1 trillion in cash flow,” he said at a press conference. press conference on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

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“Only by impoverishing them, God willing, can we protect the entire Indonesian people from the dangers of drugs,” he stressed.

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