KONI President Explains Glorious Notes on PON 2024, From Sports Development to Economic Impact

Delhi Serdang, VIVA – Implementation of the XXI National Sports Week (PON) 2024, Aceh-North Sumatra, excellent achievements were recorded in training, athlete selection, construction of infrastructure or sports venues with national and international standards and positive economic impact.

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This was announced by KONI Chairman, retired TNI Lieutenant General Marciano Norman, in his speech at the closing ceremony of PON 2024, Aceh-North Sumatra, at the North Sumatra Main Stadium, Deli Serdang Regency, on Friday evening, 21. September 2024.

“The successful implementation of PON was influenced by the dynamics of services that were not optimal at the beginning, which were gradually overcome by a very favorable coordination with various parties, especially the PB PON for the Aceh and North Sumatra regions,” said Marciano Norman.

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Closing ceremony of XXI PON 2024, Aceh-North Sumatra at the Main Stadium, Deliserdang (document from the Provincial Government of North Sumatra).


  • VIVA.co.id/BS Putra (Medan)

Marciano Norman revealed that the town’s economic development achievement can be reflected in the public’s enthusiasm for visiting and watching PON games.

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“The PON games, both by the fans of the respective contingents and by other people who this time just wanted to watch the PON event,” said Marciano Norman.

Marciano Norman explained that PON 2024 will compete in 65 sports (Sports), the largest number and the most important sports at PON events in the country. This subsequently led to breaking several national records.

“We are still in the process of accountability, administratively, with the hope that at the end of the PON operation we can achieve administrative success in each PON PB,” said Marciano Norman.

Regarding the sports infrastructure created by PON 2024, Marciano Norman explained that with the completion of the PON, all regions will have several locations with national and international standards.

“As a legacy of PON XXI, in their respective regions, Aceh province will have 18 repair and construction sites carried out by the Ministry of PUPR. In addition, several sites will be repaired by the province,” he said.

“Meanwhile, North Sumatra will have a new stadium with national standards, as well as several fields built and renovated by the province of North Sumatra,” he said.

Marciano Norman revealed that the equipment used in this event will be the main investment in the future for the development of KONI athletes in each province of Aceh-North Sumatra.

Then, with the completion of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024. Marciano Norman said that the central KONI will immediately evaluate, according to the decision of the KONI National Coordinating Committee in 2022, as a reference in organizing the XXII NTB- NTT PON in 2028.

“Through this good opportunity, let me express my great respect and gratitude to all parties who have provided extraordinary support so that the PON can work according to the defined agenda,” said Marciano Norman.

Thank you Marciano Norman and see you at XXII PON 2028, Nusa Tenggara West (NTB) and Nusa Tenggara East (NTT).

“We also apologize if things are not satisfactory in the organization of PON this time. See you in the organization of PON XXII Year 2028 NTT-NTB,” said Marciano Norman.

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“As a legacy of PON XXI, in their respective regions, Aceh province will have 18 repair and construction sites carried out by the Ministry of PUPR. In addition, several sites will be repaired by the province,” he said.

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