Lahat regional elections 2024, here’s how millennial volunteers socialize the Bursa-Vidya duo

Jakarta, VIVA – The winning team of Bursa Zanubi-Vidia Ningsih, which will participate in the Lahat Regency Pilkada in 2024, is mobilizing to promote itself in the community. The group, which is part of the Bursa-Vidia Millennium Youth Division (BZ-WIN), holds blessing activities on Fridays.

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BZ-WIN’s young millennial volunteers share food and essential items for the poor and support orphans in orphanages in Lahat city.

The food sharing promotion was distributed to all road and motor vehicle users who passed by the winner’s BZ-WIN main post office.

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BZ-WIN Young Millennial Team in its social action.

The president of the BZ-WIN millennium volunteer organization, Oktaria, said that the Friday blessing events were prepared to help people in need.

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“To keep himself and his family at home,” Okta said on Friday, September 20, 2024.

Okta explained that this activity is a form of direct support to Kavabup Vidya Ningsih’s parents, namely Lehman, and the leader of the winning BZ-WIN team, Sudarman.

“God willing, with the acceleration of this Good Friday activity, this can become a good donation and a good first step to promote Mr. Bursa Zarnubi and Vidya Ningsih to the position of Regent and Deputy Regent of Lahat,” Okta said.

Several leaders were seen expressing their gratitude to Bursa Zarnubi and Vidya Ningsih for carrying out the exchange activities.

According to Okta, this activity was very positive.

“We hope that Bursa Zarnubi and Vidiya Ningsih can become the regent and vice-regent of Lahat 2024-2029. Of course, our prayer is that BZ-WIN will always be blessed with health and prosperity and that their dreams will come true,” Oktaria said.

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“God willing, with the acceleration of this Good Friday activity, this can become a good donation and a good first step to promote Mr. Bursa Zarnubi and Vidya Ningsih to the position of Regent and Deputy Regent of Lahat,” Okta said.

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