Ministry of Transport to host Run Hub 2024 at TMII, 2,500 runners to receive IDR 217 million

Jakarta, VIVA – Run Hub 2024, an event to promote the development of Indonesian transportation and to celebrate National Transport Day (Harhubnas) 2024, was successfully held in the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) area, Jakarta on Sunday, September 22, 2024. The Ministry of Transport (Kemenhub) hosted the event, which was held for the second time, under the theme “Beyond Running”.

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This theme was raised to spread the benefits of running beyond health, that is, as a means of expression, entertainment and impact on the country. Through Run Hub 2024, the Ministry of Transport invites participants to make the ideals of smart transport a reality as a sustainable mobility solution.

In addition to Kompas Daily, several companies are also collaborating with the Ministry of Transport to make Run Hub 2024 a success, including Lion Group, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo, and they are also supported by many other public and private companies.

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The flag-off was held at 05.30 WIB at Plaza Parkir Selatan, TMII, attended by Minister for Transport Budi Karya Sumadi, Compass Editor-in-Chief Sutta Dharmasaputra, Deputy CEO Pelindo Hambra, Lion Group Director Capit. Daniel Putu Kunkoro Adi, Harhubnas Subagyo Central Committee Chairman and TMII Chief Director Intan Ayu Karthika.

The event featured 2,500 runners divided into 10K and 5K categories. Run Hub 2024 is competing for a total prize pool of IDR 217 million.

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Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said: “Run Hub is an active part of Transport Day and inspires runners to ‘Get Out’.

“This event also aims to allow all runners to express their freedom of expression, their innovative nature and to see other aspects of the benefits of running, such as concentration, entertainment, and the exchange of ideas with other colleagues.” Transport.

Compass Editor-in-Chief Sutta Dharmasaputra said, “10km and 5km running activities with a variety of experiences for runners to enjoy reflect the Ministry of Transport’s efforts to create smart transportation.”

“Pelindo is committed to continuing to promote the implementation of positive activities that can inspire and shape healthy and active lifestyles in society and increase physical fitness through the spirit of exercise,” said Pelindo CEO Hambra.

“RUNHUB at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is part of Lion Group’s commitment to supporting running as an active and healthy lifestyle while continuing to support the National Transport Day with the theme ‘Advanced Indonesia, New Archipelago’ to encourage the development of transport and tourism in Indonesia.

“On this occasion, we are also introducing BookCabin, an OTA under the auspices of Lion Group, which offers a variety of travel planning services to make travel planning easier for people, from flight booking, online flight check-in, hotel reservations to check-in. Flight Status, practically a software platform that handles customers’ travel planning from A to Z, often offers attractive promotional programs as a way of thanking customers for the access and flight services we offer, Lion Group is committed to the experience to continue flying,” said Captain Daniel Putut Kunkoro Adi, CEO of Lion Group.”

Captain Daniel added: “With the support of Indonesian air transport, we continue to develop other innovations, including the Batam Aero Technic, which allows the use of handcrafted leather and finished materials from Garut Makmur Perkasa in interior parts of the aircraft, such as seat leather (seat covers) to work. This is expected to further contribute to the readiness of Indonesian aviation to compete on the world stage.”

The success of Run Hub 2024 was partly due to the “warm-up” via social media in the form of a race party titled “On the Run” on Saturday 14 September 2024.

Followed by nearly 100 participants from various running communities, running fans enthusiastically joined in to welcome Run Hub 2024, starting with running together, food, games, DJ entertainment and many other exciting activities.
Run Hub 2024 will provide an exciting racing experience for participants.

This is thanks to the clean and well-maintained route, safe thanks to the presence of a mobile medical team on the route, and clean and with minimal waste. The excitement of Run Hun 2024 was further felt thanks to the presence of the cheering team, including STIP Jakarta, STTD Bekasi, STPI Curug and Poltekpel Banten, who cheered on the runners.

The excitement of Run Hub 2024 can also be felt with the presence of the Race Village. After the race, participants can enjoy a musical performance by Elbitri, pose for a photograph and enjoy refreshments at the UMKM stand.

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Source: special

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