Most Popular: Chinese cars surprise auto industry executives and Polytron motorcycle battery prices

Jakarta, VIVA – Last Thursday, VIVA Otomotif featured some widely read and popular news items. From Chinese cars that surprised automotive executives to the price of Polytron electric motorcycle batteries.

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1. The CEO of a major American car company is deeply shocked when he tests out a Chinese car.

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Who would have thought that the global automotive industry would be shaken up by an unexpected new player? Chinese electric car makers now dominate the market with advanced technology and competitive pricing.

This surprising news shocked top officials at American car companies, one of which was Ford. During their recent visit to China, Ford CEO Jim Farley and CFO John Lawler were impressed by the quality of electric vehicles produced in the country of Bamboo.

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2. This is the price of a Polytron electric motorcycle battery

Polytron base at GIIAS 2024

Polytron base at GIIAS 2024

Polytron has spread its wings to enter the electric vehicle segment of the domestic automotive market by offering electric motorcycles for Indonesian consumers.

Not just one, Polytron offered three motorcycles at once, including the Fox R, Fox S and recently the Fox 500. The price offered is very different, from IDR 20 million to IDR 40 million.

3. MG is ready to revive the SUV segment in the Indonesian market

MG ZS car logo image

MG ZS car logo image

One of the car manufacturers offering SUVs to Indonesian consumers is Morris Garage (MG). Options include MG ZS EV, MG HS, MG ES and MG 4 EV.

But things don’t end there, as the British manufacturer is preparing a new product for the Indonesian market, re-entering the SUV segment.

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3. MG is ready to revive the SUV segment in the Indonesian market

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