Muhammad Fardona’s latest activity after his separation from Ayu Ting Ting, the redistribution of basic needs

PAPUA – After breaking up with singer Ayu Ting Ting on June 22, 2024, Muhammad Fardkhana decided to close his Instagram account. While Ayu Ting Ting is doing her usual activities in the entertainment world, what about Muhammad Fardhana?

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This member of Yonif 509 Kostrad Jember is known to be serving in Intan Jaya Papua. It seems that Mohamed Fardkhana is also focused on fulfilling his national duties in Papua. Scroll down for more information!

It appears that on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, Muhammad Fardona led an activity to share basic needs and other basic needs. door to door to the inhabitants of Intan Jaya Papua.

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On Penkostrad’s official Instagram account, Mohammad Fardhana and his members were seen wearing full uniforms and personal protective equipment, handing out a range of essential items.

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“In order to support humanitarian programs and improve the welfare of the community, the Task Force of the 509th Infantry Battalion from Kostrad conducted activities to share basic needs and other basic needs at home with local residents. Wednesday (07/10/2024) ). This activity was directly led by the Commander of Tk J2, First Lieutenant Inf Muh,” says the statement in the upload, dated Friday, July 12, 2024.

In addition, according to information from Pen Kostrad, Mohammad Fardkhana and his members went from house to house to provide relief. The aid distributed consists of rice, oil, noodles, sugar and other essential items that the people in the area really need.

“We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the community, especially in meeting their daily needs. In addition, we want to strengthen the relationship between the Task Force and the community and show that we are here to help and protect them,” said Commander of Tk J2, Lt. Inf. Muhammad Fardona.

Previously, Ayu Ting Ting and Mohammad Fardhana ended their engagement on June 22, 2024. Their relationship officially ended on June 27, 2024 after the two families met. According to Ayu Ting Ting’s statement in early July 2024, it was a joint decision between him and Muhammad Fardhana. The reason for the breakup of relations between the two, Ayu Ting Ting said, was that there were differences in basic principles that could not be revealed to the public.

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“We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the community, especially in meeting their daily needs. In addition, we want to strengthen the relationship between the Task Force and the community and show that we are here to help and protect them,” said Commander of Tk J2, Lt. Inf. Muhammad Fardona.

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