PAS CEO explains that death row inmate Hendra can sell methamphetamine from inside Tarakan prison

Jakarta, VIVA – Acting Director General of Prisons Reinhard Silitonga has denied losing the case of a death row inmate who controlled drugs from inside the Class II A penitentiary.

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Hendra, who is on death row, bought a Ford Mustang and a boat in prison with money from the sale of crystal methamphetamine.

According to him, the Penitentiary Department always tries to stop the circulation of drugs behind bars. It is said that the disclosure of the case involving Hendra began with information from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (HAM).

“There are 300,000 inmates in prison, 300,000 of them, 145,000 of them are for drug offences, now drug-related offences are of course part of our research together with BareScream,” he said on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

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Hendra’s drug trafficking network was terrorized and sentenced to death for IDR 2.1 T.

Image of drug trafficking (special/VIVA).


  • Putra (Medan)

But his party does not deny that there are still one or two prisoners who are often determined to act behind bars. Reinhard stressed that his party will take strict measures against all those involved.

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The death row inmate organizes Shabu’s release from Katim Prison in cooperation with Ditjenpas staff and BNN honorary staff.

“Including the staff who also play. This includes cleaning, which is also part of cooperation with friends. So the synergy is very good, let’s destroy drugs wherever they are,” he said.

It was previously reported that the drug control at the Level II “A” correctional institution was discovered by the Department for Combating Narcotic Crimes under the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police.

The actor’s alias is Andy Hendra Hendra Sabarudin (32), a drug lord sentenced to death. He controls drugs in the regions of North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and East Java.

“The convicted Hendra Sabarudin operated from 2017 to 2024 and imported over seven tonnes of crystal methamphetamine from Malaysia,” said Police Criminal Investigation Agency chief, Police Commissioner Wahu Widada, on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

Unfortunately, Andy controls drugs in the region with the help of several agents from the General Correctional Directorate and the honorable National Anti-Drug Agency (BNN).

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The actor’s alias is Andy Hendra Hendra Sabarudin (32), a drug lord sentenced to death. He controls drugs in the regions of North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali and East Java.

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