Police will check on Thiko Aryawardhana again next week, despite spending nearly 10 hours investigating him.

Jakarta – South Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Division Head AKBP Bintoro said Tiko Aryawardhana will be questioned next week on suspicion of embezzlement. He said the plan is for Tico to be re-examined on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

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Bintoro said the examination was conducted because Tico still had to gather other evidence for the report presented to him.

“As the TP needs to gather the available evidence, the investigation will continue on Tuesday, July 16, 2024,” Bintoro told reporters on Friday, July 12, 2024.

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Bintoro said that on Thursday, July 11, 2024, Tiko was asked 41 questions during his exam. Tico was observed for approximately 10 hours, from 10:05 WIB to 19:50 WIB.

“The subject of the investigation is the use of money from PT AAS with a capital of 2 billion,” Bintoro said.

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Meanwhile, Bintoro Tiko said, he is the director of a company operating in the food sector.

“As is known, Mr TP is the director of PT AAS, which operates in the food and beverage sector,” Bintoro said.

Meanwhile, Tiko also said that the report has nothing to do with him and his wife, Bunga Sitra Lestari alias BCL.

Tico requested that BCL not participate.

“I want to remind my friends, I want them to know that, for example, this is the problem I had with my ex-wife. It has nothing to do with BCL at all,” Tico said.

“So please do not write to BCL or use their photo in the report on this issue. Thank you,” Tico said.

It was earlier reported that Tiko Aryavardhana was involved in the alleged embezzlement of Rs 6,900 crore.

This was confirmed by the police. According to the head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Additional Police Commissioner Binto revealed that Tiko was being monitored by AW. The relevant person is his ex-wife.

“Yes, it is true. “It is still a work in progress,” he said on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

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Meanwhile, Tiko also said that the report has nothing to do with him and his wife, Bunga Sitra Lestari alias BCL.

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