PON 2024 Aceh-North Sumatra cost around IDR 4 trillion, here is the origin

VIVA – North Sumatra-Ace PON 2024 is already underway. In addition to attracting public interest for its implementation, PON 2024 has also attracted a budget of up to one trillion rupiah.

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These funds come from the central government and the regional governments that receive them. However, the majority of this disbursement comes from the government.

In fact, Indonesia’s biggest sporting event does not rely solely on the regional budget (APBD). However, the central government budget (APBN) is the largest source of funds.

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And, in PON 2024, the budget allocations reached over 2 trillion (Rs 2,242,969,480,201), while the APBD utilised was only over 1 trillion (Rs 1,703,951,967,323).

According to researchers, North Sumatra received the largest budget for its preparation and implementation. The provision of budgetary funds for the needs of PON in the region is carried out in two ways.

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Firstly, it was distributed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) in the amount of IDR 216,929,942,240 through the competition field, the ceremony field and the equipment field.

Secondly, it was allocated through the Ministry of PUPR for the construction of North Sumatra Stadium, Stadium Road and Gate Field Road, MK, as well as for supervision in the amount of IDR 821,075,887,761.

For Aceh, the budget allocations are not small. Of what the Ministry of Youth and Sports distributed through competitions, ceremonies and equipment, it amounted to IDR 270,322,010,400.

Then, through the Ministry of PUPR for the repair and construction of fields in Banda Aceh City, repair and construction of rowing and horse racing fields and rehabilitation, as well as reconstruction of basements in Aceh, construction of houses, restoration of Keuliling Reservoir, flat equipment and furniture worth IDR 904,447.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports also allocated Budgetary Budget to the Central KON for the PON Panwasrah Division, Validation and Control Division in the amount of IDR 30,193,645,000.

So, if the financial assistance from the state budget, which is distributed through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, is divided, the cost amounts to IDR 517,445,597,640. Meanwhile, PUPR allocated IDR 1,725,523,882,561 from the state budget.

If we look at the figures above, PON, which is a national game, is actually a joint funding responsibility of the centre and the regions.

However, so far, the central budget or APBN disbursed has been greater than the regional budget or APBD.

As the total amount of PON reached more than 3 trillion (Rs 3,946,921,447,524), the funds absorbed by the state budget were more than 2 trillion (Rs 2,242,969,480,201), while the APBD utilized was only more than 1 trillion 379.3 trillion (Rs 3,946,921,447,524).

Given the large amount of central funding allocated to regions, but the voluntary nature of regions interested in hosting the PON, it is necessary to consider the preparedness of these regions.

This means that if the APBD is minimal, there is no need to spend much effort on the reputation of the PON host, not that its implementation is not optimal due to insufficient regional funds.

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The Ministry of Youth and Sports also allocated Budgetary Budget to the Central KON for the PON Panwasrah Division, Validation and Control Division in the amount of IDR 30,193,645,000.

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