Presentation of the daily management of PKB in Sespim, Hanif: Gus Muhaymin gives the red carpet to the youth

Jakarta, VIVA – Deputy Chairman General of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Mr. Hanif Dakiri, officially opened the 7th Regional Leadership School (Sespim) covering Sulawesi-Papua. After this, Sespim addressed the elected representatives of the PKB.

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The PKB Sespim changeover, which involved 298 participants, was held from 19 to 21 September 2024 in Makassar.

Hanif said that the Sespim amendment aims to equip elected legislative candidates from various levels, districts/cities, provinces, including the DPR of RI. The goal is to have good knowledge and skills to become effective legislators.

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Deputy Head of PKB Hanif Dakhiri in Sespim Change of PKB.

He said that this Sespim is also the seventh region among the eight regions of Indonesia.

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“The total number of participants this time is 298 people from all over Sulawesi and all over Papua. This event, God willing, will be hosted by Gus Muhaymin tomorrow and will be addressed after its conclusion by Secretary General Hasanuddin Wahid,” Hanif said on Thursday, September 19, 2024.

Hanif said that these changes by Sespim should be followed by all elected PKB legislative candidates at various levels. In fact, if there are participants who do not fully follow the material, they may not pass and the PKB DPP will strictly fight with them.

“It should be. It is an obligation for all legislators and it must be approved. “If they don’t approve it, they should send it back somewhere else,” said the former Minister of Labor and Immigration.

On this occasion, Hanif also introduced the daily board of directors of PKB from the president of the newspaper to the vice president of the newspaper.
Ais Shafia Asfar is in charge of the organization, that is, the daily president.

Meanwhile, the deputy editors of the newspaper are Najmi Mumtaza, Rizal Ilham Pratama, Gielbran Muhammad Noor, Nadia Alfi Roihank, Luqman Mawlana and Muhammad Aji Pratama.

He said the leadership, including the PKB chairman, is full of young people, most of whom are only 20 years old.

“What does the PPD expect from the youth as day-to-day leaders of the PKB? Yes, of course, this is part of the PKB’s response to change. The demographic advantage in Indonesia is that the young population is becoming more dominant day by day,” Hanif said.

He said that PKB Chairman General Muhaymin Iskandar, nicknamed Gus Muhaymin, created opportunities for young people.

“PKB, in this case, Gus Muhaymin, the General Chairman of PKB DPP, gave the youth a red carpet to be able to directly lead the implementation of PKB DPP programs,” Hanif said.

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On this occasion, Hanif also introduced the daily board of directors of PKB from the chairman of the newspaper to the vice-chairman of the newspaper. Ais Shafia Asfar is in charge of the organization, i.e. the daily chairman.

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