Residents admit they saw Nia’s killer selling fried food, but he disappeared into the canyon.

Padang Pariman, VIVA Padang Pariaman police suspect ISIS for the murder of Nia Kurnia Sari, a girl who sold fried food. However, the existence of ISIS remains a mystery.

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As of Monday, September 16, police continued to conduct several checkpoints in the 2×11 Kayu Thanam area, Padang Pariaman Regency. The terrain is very steep with coverage of parks and forests, making the search process difficult.

One of the residents, Masdianto, admitted to having seen the presence of ISIS in Padang Kabau, Nagari Kayu Tanam. At that time, the residents thought that the suspect was hiding in a shack there.

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“At first we thought he was in this place because there was a hut there. “During the search we saw the suspect running towards the ravine,” Masdianto said.

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Masdianto admitted that it was difficult to catch the suspect, so he tried to avoid ISIS using other easier ways. His group managed to find traces of the suspect’s whereabouts around the river near the suspect’s last known location.

“I saw the criminal running towards the gorge. After tracking him down, there were traces around the river,” he said.

The suspect was captured when residents helped police search a wooded area. ISIS was seen running wearing only black pants.

Masdianto immediately reported the incident to the police. A joint police team with sniffer dogs immediately searched the area.

Reporting by Andri Saputra/tvOne Padang Pariaman

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The suspect was captured when residents helped police search a wooded area. ISIS was seen running wearing only black pants.

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