Silent Steps, a new weight loss trend that is good for mental health

Jakarta, VIVA – Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, is currently trending on TikTok with the term “silent walk.” What is this? As the name suggests, a silent walk is a silent walk.

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This trend is all about total engagement between yourself and the environment. If you normally walk while listening to podcasts or music, this time all external sounds are eliminated. Scroll down to find out more!

As quoted by GQ Magazine, the goal of silent walking is to synchronize your breathing with your steps and to really feel the moment of walking. As quoted on Friday, September 20, 2024 by Michelle Eustis, yoga instructor and founder of Nature Sound Retreat, “A silent walk eliminates the noise and distractions of busy modern life and encourages you to be mindful.”

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This means, he said, that during silent walking, you are encouraged to be more sensitive to what is around you. For example, feeling the changing light, the texture of the ground beneath your feet and the subtle scent of the wind.

This makes silent walking not only a physical exercise, but also a form of meditation. So what are the health benefits?

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You can lose weight and improve physical health.

Just like other sports, walking is also good for your health, including silent walking. Although not as intense as cardio, walking can help you lose weight and keep your heart healthy.

In addition, several studies show that spending time in open green spaces can also have a positive effect on lung health. Compared to running, walking has less impact on the joints, so the risk of developing arthritis or other joint problems is much lower.

“Walking has incredible benefits for the body and mind,” says fitness expert Weston. While it may not be as strenuous as other vigorous exercises, walking is effective at burning fat and strengthening leg muscles.

Good for mental health

Image of being happy and staying healthy.

Image of being happy and staying healthy.

In addition to the physical benefits, walking in silence also has a positive effect on mental health. Many people feel calm when they sit in the garden on a sunny day and walking in silence has this effect. In addition, along with the increase in endorphins due to walking.

“Regular exercise is key to maintaining physical and mental health,” Weston said, noting that endorphins released during exercise can relieve pain, reduce stress and create feelings of euphoria.

In fact, being outdoors has also been shown to improve mental wellbeing. Research shows that just 23 minutes a day spent outdoors can help a person experience significant mental health benefits.

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“Walking has incredible benefits for the body and mind,” says fitness expert Weston. While it may not be as strenuous as other vigorous exercises, walking is effective at burning fat and strengthening leg muscles.

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