Success stories of the third Bunex Palm Oil Scholarship recipients: Graduates receive immediate job offers

Tangerang, LONG LIVE – The 3rd Indonesian Plant Expo (Bunex), organized by the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantations with the support of the Palm Oil Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) from 12 to 14 September 2024 at ICE BSD Tangerang, offers a series of interesting events including a talk show on palm oil scholarship.

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At the event, Yudha Oktia, an alumnus who received a BPDPKS scholarship from West Sumatra, shared inspiring stories about his educational and professional journey.

Yudha, who comes from a family of oil palm farmers, said that she came to know about the BPDPKS oil palm scholarship open for students of the College of Agribusiness and Agricultural Plant Sciences (STIPAP). She made good use of this opportunity and pursued higher education.

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“The information about the BPDPKS scholarship opened up new opportunities for me. I followed all the selection processes and finally managed to get a scholarship to study at STIPAP,” Yudha said with great gratitude, as quoted on Saturday, September 20, 2024.

Palm oil scholarships were discussed on the talk show.

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During her D1 studies at STIPAP, Yudha not only acquired theoretical knowledge but also got the opportunity to participate in various internships that are very useful in the industrial world.

After graduating, Yudha received a job offer at a palm oil plantation company, proving that BPDPKS scholarship graduates are not only academically capable but also ready to enter the industry directly.

“My experience at STIPAP and my work at a plantation company showed that the BPDPKS scholarship provides us not only with knowledge but also with the practical skills needed in this field. “This is a real example of how BPDPKS training and support can make a significant difference in someone’s life,” added Yudha.

Yudha Oktya’s success story was one of the highlights of the talk show and highlighted the commitment of the Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantations and BPDPKS in creating a competent and prepared workforce to face the challenges in the palm oil plantation sector.

Bunex is the right forum to share this inspiring story that will motivate many people to continue their education and the opportunities available.

By sharing experience and inspiration, it is hoped that more BPDPKS Fellows will be motivated to take advantage of available opportunities and contribute to the development of the palm oil plantation sector in Indonesia.

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“My experience at STIPAP and my work at a plantation company showed that the BPDPKS scholarship provides us not only with knowledge but also with the practical skills needed in this field. “This is a real example of how BPDPKS training and support can make a significant difference in someone’s life,” added Yudha.

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