Djarot PDIP says IKN development is forced, Grace Nathalie reminds to “watch out for slips”;

Jakarta – The Special Team of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Grace Natalie, invited the Chairman of the Central Governing Council of PDIP, Jarot Saiful Hidayat, to visit the capital of Indonesia (IKN) to learn the facts of the development process that the government is carrying out can see directly. fully accepted. Read … Read more

Pablo Duggan was accused of abuse and harassment by the announcer Ana Maccaroni – GENTE Online

The producer and announcer Ana Maccaroni He again pointed at Pablo Duggan almost a year after the first public complaint she made against the host for mistreatment and workplace harassment in the radio space they shared. As time went by and there was a lack of responses, Maccaroni once again posted on her social networks … Read more